Equality Strategy for Reducing Stunting Prevalence Rate

Case Study of DKI Jakarta Province





reduction strategy, stunting prevalence rate


This research aims to explore strategies for reducing the stunting prevalence rate in DKI Jakarta Province, which has reached 14.8 percent. The stunting rate is a problem because the DKI Jakarta governor's target for 2024 is to hope that the stunting rate will be more evenly distributed to reach the national target of 14 percent. The research hypothesis is how the DKI Jakarta Province's stunting prevalence rate will be evenly distributed throughout the region. The highest figure was in Seribu Islands Regency, around 20.50 percent; the lowest was in South Jakarta, around 11.90 percent; and the cities of East Jakarta and Central Jakarta were 14 percent. The research methodology uses qualitative methods with descriptive research design. Research data was taken from interviews in the field. By taking a population of stunting participants from four regions in DKI Jakarta, 20 people each, so the total sample is 100 people. The research results show that the two decisions of the Governor of DKI Jakarta, Number 981 and 774 of 2022, have been effective and right on target in overcoming the reduction in the prevalence of stunting rates. It's just that a more equitable strategy for reducing stunting prevalence rates is needed relatively evenly throughout the DKI Jakarta area. In conclusion, DKI Jakarta Province has reduced the stunting prevalence by 14.8 percent. A comprehensive strategy is needed to reduce the prevalence of stunting evenly, namely: (1) making a Regional Regulation for the DKI Jakarta Province regarding stunting; (2) increasing the number of Foster Fathers for Stunting Children (BAAS) from entrepreneurs and other stakeholders so that the stunting reduction strategy reaches the target of 14 percent evenly.


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Author Biography

Taufiqurokhman, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta, Banten, Indonesia

Dr. Taufiqurokhman, A.Ks., S.Sos., M.Si., commonly called Taufik, is currently serving as the Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Sciences of Universitas Prof. Dr. Moetopo (Beragama), 2017-2021 period. He pursued his postgraduate education at Universitas Padjajaran, where he completed his Master's degree in Social Sciences with a focus on Government Science in 2005. In 2015, Taufik completed his Ph.D. education at Universitas Padjajaran Bandung, obtaining his degree in Government Science with the dissertation title "Implementation of the Human Development Education Index: Case Study in Pandeglang Regency Regional Government."

Some of the books he has written are (1) Manajemen Strategik; (2) Kebijakan Publik Pendelegasian Tanggung Jawab Negara-Negara; (3) Konsep dan Kajian Ilmu Perencanaan; (4) Mengawal Suara Rakyat; (5) Pandeglang dalam Implementasi Kebijakan Peningkatan Indeks Pembangunan Manusia; (6) Teori Perkembangan Organisasi; (7) Mengenal Manajemen Sumber Maladministrasi Ombudsman Guna Meningkatkan Kualitas Pelayanan; (8) Kepemimpinan Visioner dan Progresif; (9) Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia Buku I dan II; (10) Kepemimpinan yang Visioner dan Progresif; (11) Optimalisasi Peningkatan Investigasi Ombudsman Republik Indonesia; (12) Kebijakan Publik; (13) Perkembangan Sistem Politik Pengantar; (14) Teori dan Perkembangan Manajemen Pelayanan Publik; and (15) Kebijakan Publik dan Aplikasinya.

In the Ministry of Home Affairs, Directorate General of Village Government Development as an expert; In the Ministry of Social Affairs as an expert at the Directorate General of Social Empowerment; In the Coordinator of Politics and Security was the Aceh Conflict Coordination and Consultation Team at the Ministry; Graduated from the State Defense in 2008 and became the Coordinator of the State Defense Education Force and the State Defense Education Material Formulation Team; Was a member of the Banten Provincial DPRD for the period 2009-2014.


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How to Cite

Taufiqurokhman. (2023). Equality Strategy for Reducing Stunting Prevalence Rate: Case Study of DKI Jakarta Province. Jurnal Bina Praja, 15(3), 495–506. https://doi.org/10.21787/jbp.15.2023.495-506


